S.E.E.D. For Today___Win
Scripture "By Your endurance you will win your lives." Luke 21:19 World English Bible
Working out your salvation can be very hard, but endurance, steadfastness or perseverance is the key to winning. Jesus is saying that the disciple or the believer must cling to their faith in the midst of persecution and by standing firm you will gain life. The enemy always appears to be winning but it is just an appearance only and not the reality, for they can do nothing against you that God won't make work for the good of them that love Him. But our flesh often feels the pain and often ops to faint in the face of affliction. Don't yield to the lies of the accusers for they will say you can't win, but you can win. Don't yield to irritation, don't yield to depression, don't yield to fear, don't yield to failure, do not yield to temptation, correct the mistakes that you can and endure. In the movie the wiz the scarecrow is forced to believe the lies of the black crows, that he doesn't have a brain so he had no knowledge. They forced him to sing the crow anthem titled "You Can't Win" but you can win!, by your endurance you will win your lives.
Example Win to achieve the victory, to gain, to be successful or victorious. To win the prize in a competition. The bible describes us as athletes. in some instances running a race and that the race is not given to the swiftest, the wisest or the craftiest, but to the one that endures to the end, that's the one who wins.
Exercise Read Luke 21:5-19 Journal and talk to God about your insecurities, the things you yield to when you believe the enemies lies about you. He wants you to believe you can't win, he wants you to repeat his anthem for your life in your head over and over again. But the devil is a liar and the Bible declares that you win. You can get out of the world's game for Christ has given you the victory.
Devotion Lord I thank you for this day. I pray for the strength to yield against all the thoughts and lies presented daily. The lies that I will never make it, or that I will never be anything, that I'm living for Christ for nothing, I reject these suggestions and thoughts, I yield my body and my mind unto you today. I know that you have me covered and I know that in You I Can Win in Jesus Name Amen.
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