S.E.E.D. For Today_Doors
Scripture "I know all the things you do, and I have opened a door for you that no one can close. You have little strength, yet you have obeyed my word and did not deny me." Revelation 3:8 NLT
This is the message from the One who is Holy and True, to the church in Philadelphia. "What He opens no one can close;". The meaning of this statement of an open door in the Greek indicates that this door has been opened and remains open, although the Lord can shut it again. In this door no one is not going out through the door into the world but it is a coming through the door into the Kingdom. God opens the door that no one is able to shut, so that people may enter into His presence. These are the acts of His government. Through Christ God has opened the door for those who choose to enter into His salvation, relationship, and to experience the opportunities that are available to those who persevere. God opens doors of opportunity that other's cannot obtain. However weak we are, Christ keeps the door open for us. What He opens no one can shut nor can they oppose Him.
Example Door is a portal, an opening, access, entrance or entry, or exit. Biblically Jesus is a door, those of us who enter that door gets to experience life under His care and rule.
Exercise Read Revelation Chapter 3 Journal and talk to God. The church in Philadelphia is being commended, but with a gentle reproof. Never rest or be satisfied in a little, persevere that you may grow in grace. There is a reward for faithfulness especially in trying times. Those who continue in the gospel shall be kept in the midst of trouble. Doors will open for those inspite of their circumstance because they have obeyed God's word and did not deny Him.
Devotion Lord I pray today for Your mercy and grace. I thank You for the many doors of opportunity that are before me. Thank You for being the portal to life, the opening for peace, the access for joy, the entrance into God's Kingdom, the entry into eternal life, I thank You for being the exit from the grave, I thank You for being the vehicle to blessings. I thank You for everyday door you shut that was not meant, but I with total trust enter the doors that You have open. Thank You for the endless possibilities in Jesus Name Amen.
Father god strength me in faith and in your word.father God thank you for not giving up on me father God keep me on your Path.in Jesus Name
Thank you God for Healing My Body.