S.E.E.D. For Today___Miracles
Scripture "Who can list the glorious miracles of the Lord?" Psalms 106:2 NLT
Miracle is the general term for the wonderful phenomena which accompanied Jewish and Christian revelation especially at critical moments. The biblical term of miracle is the extraordinary work of God, transcending the ordinary powers of nature. Throughout history God has displayed His power, His sovereignty and His greatness through miracles. The miracle of creation, man as He formed Him from the dirt, Noah as He and His family survived a world flood, Abraham and Sarah who gives birth in their old age, Moses leading the children out of Egypt and God parts the Red Sea, the manna, the cloud, the quail, the water from the rock, the list goes on and on. These acts of God exceed our comprehension. "Many, O Lord are the wonders you have done. The things you planned for us no one can recount to you; were I to speak and tell of them, they would be too many to declare." Psalms 40:5
Example Miracles have an unusual character. It is an out of the ordinary event in contrast to the regular-pattern of events in the nature world. As a wonder it attracts attention by it's uniqueness.
Exercise Read Psalms 106:2; Psalms 105:5 Journal and talk to God. Remember the many miracles He has performed throughout your life thus far. Today is Miracle Monday, think about the miracle of salvation and the means of which He sent it into the world through Jesus Christ, but He doesn't stop there God is waiting to perform miracles in your life, "You are the God who performs miracles," Psalms 77:14a
Devotion Lord today I want to thank You for my life. The miracles You have performed on my behalf are countless. In my everyday living when I should have lost it the miracle of sanity You provided, the days without You provided, You made ways out of no way. Miracles are Your regular way of working in the world for everyday we see miracles. On this Miracle Monday I pray that You will display Your character and Your glory in my situation doing what only You can do in Jesus Name Amen.
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