S.E.E.D. For Today__Vision
Scripture "The eye is a light for the body. If your eyes are good, your whole body will be full of light. But if you are evil, your whole body will be full of darkness." Matthew 6:22 New Century Version
Jesus previously in scripture lets us know that where ever your treasure there is your heart. The images that we see can be healthy or unhealthy for our lives. Today's church is filled with materialism and narcissism. In a book by Os Guniness called the Gravedigger Files says this very well; "with spiritual narcissism so well advanced, firm believer is a matter of aerobics rather than apologetics, of human fitness rather than divine faithfulness. Shapeliness is now next to godliness, and judge by the new shape-up-centers in Christian stores training righteous character has given way to trimming the right curves." So has the church become a shape-up center, because of our eye? Jesus gives a metaphor of treasure by using the eye and money, to establish His point. The eye is pictured as the window, if the glass is dirty or tinted or discolored the light will be hindered. Today we have so many images that we fix our gaze on that glitters like gold but in reality a danger to our soul. The condition of the eye is what determines the quality of what enters the body. Unclouded vision is a danger it's what I see that permeates my thoughts and my heart.
Example Vision is the faculty or state of being able to see.
Exercise Read Matthew 6:19-24 Journal and Talk to God. The eyes are the window to our soul. When you lock your eyes on something it can be mesmerizing and if it is not good it cannot be good for you. Social media has revived or revealed our true nature because of what we see it has made us selfish, bullyish, and materialistic. What looks good is not always good. Social media has hindered the light for many, and our need to be glamorous, prosperous, and popular have made us blind to the true light. Jesus in John 8:12 says that "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life."
Devotion Lord I pray for good sight. I pray that I will keep my eyes on you the Light that my body will be full of light. Thank you for preserving my life while blind but I pray that I have unclouded vision that I may be clear of Your will for my Life in Jesus Name Amen.
Great post. God help us to keep our eyes on you