S.E.E.D. For Today___Storm Rider
Scripture "Then they cried to the Lord in their trouble, and He delivered them from their distress; He made the storm be still," Psalms 107:28-29a Revised Standard Version
Being captive to something or someone is like being on a boat in a terrible storm. In this psalm the Jews were not sea familiar but the Phoenicians were. The people were in trouble because of their rebellion towards God, but the sailors didn't cause the storm. The crew had used every device they knew to save the ship, but to no avail so they prayed. Prayer gives you the ability to ride the storm because it summons God to show up. Yesterday we had a brief but powerful storm rip through the tri-state area. Trees were ripped out of the ground and many lost power. In my area we lost power and everyone wanted to know are you going to stay there? How appropriate an opportunity to pray. The effects of storms being tossed to and fro can cause one to lose courage. Sometimes your skills and ideas are useless, our hope must be in the Lord. On my knees I am a Storm Rider and it brings me to a safe place every time.
Example Storm rider or ride out the storm, to continue to exist and not be harmed during a very difficult period.
Exercise Read Psalms 107:1-30 Journal and Talk to God. There are no hopeless situations in God's sight, for He can do the impossible, but how are you riding the storm?
Devotion Lord I thank You for the storm, they have always drawn me closer to seek shelter. I pray that in prayer I will ride out the storms knowing God is there. I pray that after every storm I can recover quickly and not become dismayed in this journey. Restore the power necessary to endure the tumultuous seasons in my life. You made the waves hush, and Im grateful to know that You will guide us to our desired place of refuge. When all else fails I run to the Rock. In Jesus Name Amen.
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