S.E.E.D. For Today___Ambassadors
Scripture "We are therefore Christ's ambassadors, as though God were making His appeal through us." 2 Corinthians 5:20a NIV
The nature of the Apostle Pauls ministry is that of being an ambassador for Christ, through him God makes his appeal to the people, and so are we who have been given the task of reconciling others to God have also become ambassadors of which God makes His appeal through us. We are sent to conclude the message of peace to the world. Our world is in a crisis, whenever their is crisis accredited diplomats are sent by a country as it's official representatives to a foreign country to bring about reconciliation between all parties involved. We are promoters of peace, love and hope, not judgment. This ministry of reconciliation is not telling people to make peace with God but that God has made peace with the world, so the gospel is not good advice but it is good news. As diplomats of the Kingdom of God we have been given this task of promoting peace, God's peace to the world.
Example Ambassador is an accredited diplomat sent by a country as its official representative to a foreign country. Sent by a government to represent it on a temporary mission, appointed for a special diplomatic assignment.
Exercise Read 2 Corinthians 5:11-21 Journal and Talk to God. As an ambassador we do not speak in our own name or by our own authority and any neglect, contempt, or injury done to him in his official capacity is not a personal offense but an offense to the sovereign or state by whom he is commissioned. So we communicate what we have received not our own speculations.
Devotion Lord I pray for peace. My prayer for today is that as an ambassador of peace that I promote the gift that has been given to me. I pray that I can represent Your Sovereignty using Your authority and Your name that the appeal of reconciliation be received by those to whom it is offered. Lord I pray that this be my natural response to every situation that occurs in the world. Help me not to evaluate people from a human point of view but from how You see mankind. I pray for a sincere heart to serve without motive. In Jesus Name Amen.
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