S.E.E.D. For Today___Nevertheless
Scripture "Do Not worry about anything, but pray and ask God for everything you need, always giving thanks. And God's peace, which is so great we cannot understand it, will keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:6-7 New Century Version
Life definitely has everyone living basically on the edge of every day. People go to sleep worrying about their love ones, their needs, their future, etc.. wake up with the same cares. Many believers know your word that we are to cast all cares on You but it's difficult for many to rest in what we hear oppose to what we experience. All of us are going to experience excruciating stresses, but we are instructed to be worry free. How so? We must press close to the foundation of the joy of our salvation. In the world of so much trouble we have a worry free zone because of what Christ has done. We must embrace a defiant nevertheless. In the worry free zone we have an advocate who intercedes on our behalf, He came to give us His peace, prosperity, joy and He has us in His care, so don't zone out, zone into the worry free.
Example Nevertheless in spite of this, in spite of that; nonetheless, however, but, still, yet, though.
Exercise Read Philippians 4:6-9 Journal and Talk to God.
Devotion Lord Your Word says to cast our cares upon You and You will sustain us and never let us fall. I trust You more than I trust myself. I may not show it as I should but I do. Today I commit all that I do, no worries, or anxiety shall run my soul. Your word reassures Your concern for my well being and I know that You will perfect everything that concerns me, it concerns You. When the terroristic threats come, like you will never do that, or you will lose, or your not capable, I will not be moved I will cast down those thoughts with a defiant nevertheless and keep rolling in my worry free zone in Jesus Name Amen.
Lord I know I can bring my cares to you for you care for me so I ask that you continue to guide me and wen I worried guide me to your worry free zone that even though these trials will come I won't worry because I trust & believe your workin it out for my good. Thank Lord for always keeping your eyes on me & always interceding for me wen I allow the worry to creep in. Your a good good father it's who you are % I'm loved by you!!! Thank you Lord for my worry free zone in Jesus name Amen!!!