S.E.E.D. For Today___Justice
Scripture "The Lord demands accurate scales and balances; He sets the standards for fairness." Proverbs 16:11 NLT
God is a God of justice as much as He is a God of love. This scripture using the concrete image of scales and measures teaches the principle of justice. The quality of being fair and impartial is not a human invention, and those in authority do not have the authority to suspend or violate such principles. Fairness and justice are the Lord's work and should be observed by all men, but we do not see that occurring in this day. Proverbs 11:1 says that "the Lord detest the use of dishonest scales, but He delights in accurate weights," the equality and fair treatment of all mankind. The continual senseless shedding of human blood is a disgrace to every man, woman and child. The world has become an animal kingdom and the beast that lives in us has taken over the souls of many. Those in authority should have a greater sense of justice, their oath to stand for the laws that exist in the land. The senseless murders that men continue to commit against one another are painful as well, it must be acknowledged that we are people loved by God. Proverbs 6:16-19 says that "there are seven things the Lord hates, haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that kill the innocent, a heart that plots evil, feet that race to do wrong, a false witness who pours out lies and a person who sows discord in a family." We are called to act and if we fail to act we disobey God's word there is and should be liberty and justice for all.
Example Justice is just behavior or treatment. Fair play, justice is making things right, making everything right. Justice is often paired with righteousness, having right relationships with man, towards our neighbor and defending people rights in court.
Exercise Read Proverbs 16:11-15 Journal and Talk to God. The fear of the Lord is necessary in our world with out it men will have no restraint, those in authority or not. How can we all serve our fellowman that we can be the balance that the Lord demands? Ask yourself and serve.
Devotion God, give me brothers and sisters to live with, but I do not always get along with them. Our wills collide, our needs crisscross, our demands clash. If I cannot get along with them naturally, help me do it supernaturally, so that I may live in friendly justice with my neighbors in Jesus Name Amen. "Todays devotion came from Tim Stafford; "God's Justice"
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