S.E.E.D. For Today_Argumentative
Scripture "Pride only leads to arguments, but those who take advice are wise." Proverbs 13:10 NCV
Pride is the source of rude and disrespectful behavior. Pride will keep us in conflict, discord and in lack of harmony with our relationship with God and people. Deep rooted pride stirs up much trouble and serves to start arguments in a person's heart. The bitter contention between individual saints and collective bodies that meet in the name of Christ are stirred by pride. The danger of pride is the effort to maintain dignity that it prevails, or contention that is stirred by being offended that is fueled by pride, the strife that rises up and causes arguments that are like forest fires that sometime take forever to put out, leaving nothing but ashes when the smoke clears. The danger of pride makes no room for God we become argumentative with Him as we reason and reject His will. These arguments separate us from God, there is no dignity before God but disgrace as long as we remain in conflict of His word. "When pride comes then comes disgrace." Proverbs 11:2
Example Contentious, disputatious, controversial, given to argument. Sometimes a why question can become argumentative. The tendency to disagree.
Exercise Read Proverbs 13:10;13-14 Being too argumentative can cost you many things. It is a seed of pride. It destroys relationships more importantly relationship with God. Pride is the source of your argumentative character. The word commands us to demolish every argument and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God. Pride causes us to make everyone suspect including God.
Devotion Lord I pray against my argumentative nature, I demolish every argument bringing it into captivity. I humble myself before Your Throne of Grace. Pride shall not prevail. Give me your wisdom in Jesus Name Amen.
Amen...A wonderful post on keeping pride out of relationships