S.E.E.D. For Today_Fashion
Scripture "And be not fashioned according to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, and ye may prove what is the good, and acceptable, and perfect will of God." Romans 12:2 ASV Bible
As citizens of heaven we should no longer conform to the present age. It cannot and must not serve as a model for Christian living. It's values, and goals are in opposition to growth in holiness. The church should stand out from the world as a demonstration of God's intentions for the human race. To engage in culture is one thing to be culturally identified with the world is to place the church at risk. Rather than allowing the world to squeeze you into it's fashion you are to be transforming fashion by the renewing of your minds. There is continuing pressure to adopt the customs and mind-set of the world in which we live, but we must reject it. Releasing ourselves from the control of the world around us, we can come to know what God has in mind for us.
Example A popular trend, especially in styles of dress and ornament or manners of behavior. A way of doing things. Formed, a custom look. Conformity, mode of action, method of conduct, to adapt.
Exercise Read Romans 12:1-2 The church has adopted much of the fashion (customs, manners) of this world. This fashion does not fit us. We are unique in fashion and style. God chose to set us apart from the world and the sensations of it. We continue to wear fashion that does not fit us as believers. We are to clothe ourselves with Your righteousness and holiness. Let's examine ourselves today. What are you wearing?
Devotion Lord I present my mind to you today, that I continually allow you to style my mind that I be transformed and fashioned in Your image. Forgive me for putting on things that no longer fit who I am as a new creature in Christ. I lay aside the weight that causes me to fall off so easily. I give my life as a living sacrifice that your good, acceptable and perfect will be done in Jesus Name Amen.
Awesome Blog Pastor!!