S.E.E.D. For Today___Glory
Scripture "Arise shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the LORD rises upon you." Isaiah 60:1 NIV
Light is the metaphor for salvation and spiritual awakening, it appears that right now the world is a dark, evil and gloomy place, full of distress and confusion. We need God to shine His light which He will and send revival to our worn torn land. Sin will not hinder God's ability to shine on us, He has already through Christ overcome sin and we are depending on God's transforming glory to rise upon every nation. God is the initiator in relationship with His people and without that God's will would never be accomplished. Right now we are suffocating amongst the darkness and unbelief that covers our world but God will arise for His glory will be seen upon His people. It's time for us to wake up for our light has come. God let Your glory reign upon Your people and send us a sign of Your favor upon us, let us walk continually in Your will that the world can forever be illuminated with the light that will manifest itself through your children.
Example The most significant use of the ideas glory and majesty is their application to God. An external manifestation of God's glory. Dora in the greek and kabod in the hebrew means weight or heaviness. Praise, honor, splendor.
Exercise Read Isaiah 60:1-22 Journal and talk to God.
Devotion Lord the days are hard and it appears that sin rules but wake us with a revival, May Your sons and daughters get up from their slumbering state that all have fallen into that Your glory will be manifested in our world. I pray that the world will see the light of salvation through us that others will receive this wonderful gift of God's love. God rocks, and rules everything, may His people walk in the light to reveal His majesty, to give Him praise, to honor Him and to reveal His opulence, His excellence, the grandeur of our God. The splendor and the magnificence of His glory in Jesus Name Amen.
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