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S.E.E.D. For Today___Devotion

Scripture "Create in me a clean heart, O God and renew a loyal spirit within me. Psalms 51:10 NLT

David's sins had affected his whole person, his eyes, his mind, his ear and bones, his heart and spirit, his hands and his lips. David knew this, so he asks for more than cleansing, he wanted his entire being to be restored so he could be totally devoted, acceptable to the Lord. David understood that the  inner person the heart was the source of his trouble and that he was incapable of changing his heart on his own. He wanted God to cleanse him and to give him a spirit of devotion that in his heart he would not waver in his ways towards God. David loved God and knew God was faithful to him no matter what and he did not want to lose the blessing and help of the Holy Spirit. David's devotion unto God was true and relentless to him. Often times the hopelessness of human nature can break our devotion and honor unto God. It miss appropriates our affections toward things that separate us from the Father. Sometimes we just have to allow God to take us to the depths of our issues that they do not make us disloyal, disobedient and dismayed.

Example Devotion is the love, loyalty, the enthusiasm for a person, activity or cause. Faithfulness, fidelity, constancy, commitment, allegiance and dedication.

Exercise Read Psalms 51 Journal and Talk to God as David did in this Psalm about himself. We know the truth about God's word but we still deliberately lie to ourselves about ourselves. We try to cover up the issues within until we realize that we can no longer live with it. Our journey is because of God's devotion to His creation and our response should be the same. There is a quote that says; "we stopped checking for monsters under our bed, when we realized they were in us." So we need God to Go Deep.

Devotion Lord I pray that You will work deep within the inner most parts of my being. I know that in terms of fidelity I am like a wayward spouse. I love You then I don't because I'm torn due to the many loves I have in my life. Please create in me a clean heart and renew a loyal spirit within me. I'm learning that I will not be free until I learn how to dive, head first, and relinquish my undying devotion to the things and ways of this world. I pray to be faithful, loyal, consistent, committed, in utter dedication and allegiance to You in Jesus Name Amen.


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