S.E.E.D. For Today__Forged
Scripture "No weapon forged against you will be effective. This is the heritage of the Lord's servants, and their righteousness from me, says the Lord."
Who's report shall we believe. The enemy of our soul has infinitely been sending terroristic thought threats for years hindering our walk with God. Let the people of God, the afflicted and troubled, think they hear God speaking comfortably to them giving notice to all their griefs and fears. The day is coming when God will reckon with the enemy of your soul. Security and final victory are the heritage of the faithful servant of God. The Creator will be our Defender, and who can defeat Him? We must be on guard against every word or thought that comes against the report of the Lord. Many seek instruction during the time of emergency and trouble, they appeal to astrology, antiquities and stories, things of many kind, but they are not effective enough to counterattack the weapons that are forged against us. They are not powerful enough to overthrow the fraudulent claims of the enemy. This breaking news is both a warning and comfort for those who stand for righteousness. Every plot, every plan shall not work.
Example Forged to form or make, especially concentrated effort. To forge a friendship through getting one to trust, imitate, copy fraudulent, fake. Make an illegal copy of something in order to deceive.
Exercise Read Isaiah 54:1-17 Journal and Talk to God. The enemy of your soul is forming a fraudulent friendship with you in order to deceive you. He is trying to get you to trust in his lies by imitating and forging our blessings and our destiny. It is illegal and it won't last. He is concentrating on forging the Word of God as he did in the Garden of Eden as he tempted Christ, but we overthrow every fraudulent attempt by casting down every thought that exalts itself against the Word of God.
Devotion Lord I pray to be prepared for the attack, ready with the full armor of God, especially guarding my head, for the enemy wants to be-head me. Christians literally around the world are being beheaded for their faith, and Satan wants your head. Pray that his plot won't work. Thank You Lord for sending the Word (the strategy) for effective warfare. I pray that I will not be deceived by this fraudulent act of terrorism against the people of God in Jesus Name Amen.
Amen! Pastor we can not let Satan be-head us ,and fall for his deceitful lies. I will be wearing my full suit of armor against his attacks