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We All Have a Reason To Give God Thanks

Thank the LORD because he is good. His love continues forever.That is what those whom the LORD has saved should say. He has saved them from the enemy, Some people had wandered in the desert lands. They found no city in which to live. They were hungry and thirsty,and they were discouraged.
In their misery they cried out to the LORD,and he saved them from their troubles. He led them on a straight road to a city where they could live. Let them give thanks to the LORD for his love and for the miracles he does for people. He satisfies the thirsty and fills up the hungry. God gave the command and healed them, so they were saved from dying. Let them give thanks to the LORD for his love and for the miracles he does for people. Let them offer sacrifices to thank him. With joy they should tell what he has done. Let them praise his greatness in the meeting of the people;
Whoever is wise will remember these things and will think about the love of the LORD.
Psalms 107 NCV

We all have a reason to tell God thank you for He has been good to us. He has preserved our lives and rescued us from every trying circumstance. He is a redeemer who proves His love to His people everday. In every struggle of survival God was there never leaving us alone.

We want to thank God for always being a present help in the time of trouble. Especially the trouble we find ourselves in due to disobedience and bad choices. God in His mercy still comes in every dark place in our lives, reaches His hand in our mess and lifts us up out of our distress, for that we have a reason to say thank you. We want to thank God for every storm, for every storm is a call for prayer, the power of prayer will force the door open to peace and for this we tell God thank you.

God has kept us through the recession, calamity followed by trouble, in the desert He kept us, in the darkness He was there, in distress He preserved our sanity, in sickness He saved us from death. So because of His love and His mercy in every circumstance we may experience in life, we have a reason to say Thank You! Don't thank God its Friday, thank Him for all the great and wonderful things that He has done.

I want to thank God for a wonderful week of sharing with you. I hope and pray that you are enjoying this site and the things God has allowed me to share. But I would like to share one more important matter with those of you who may not know Christ as their personal Lord and Savior. Jesus Christ loves you, He proved His love by dying on the cross for everyone of us. For God so loved the world that He gave Hs only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him would not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16
The Lord offered Himself on your behalf.
Seek the Lord for a new life in Him today! (Please leave a message if you would like to make Christ Lord of your life.) God Bless


  1. My Pastor taught me that "Grace" is God giving us what we don't deserve and "Mercy" is God not giving us what we do deserve. Take the time today and think of all the blessings God gave you that you know you shouldn't have had. Then think of all the punishments that passed over you that you know you should be paying for this very moment. I'm sure one thought will lead you to another and then another and so on. THE LORD IS GOOD AND HE IS WORTHY OF OUR PRAISE!!

  2. To those that may be struggling with the decision to give your life to Christ, or you may be coming up with all kinds of excuses not too. You may feel as though you are not ready, but if you are reading this post and contemplating then you are ready. God is calling you now....


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