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The State of Unity

As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received. Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. There is one body and one Spirit— just as you were called to one hope when you were called— one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.
Ephesians 4:1-6

Last night the president gave his state of the union address. This year with a different look, not one of division but of unity. The idea is to bring the country together as one so that the unity of the state would result in a better America.

Unity is a major issue, especially in Christianity. The idea for the two parties seating arrangements stem from division that became more than many Americans could stand. It is the same way for us in the church, the reasons that keep the body of Christ so divided are more than should be allowed. Those who share in the fellowship of God should also walk in the love and unity of the God we serve. When there is an absence of unity in the church it is not a small matter. For the world is looking at the behavior of Christians trying to prove any falsehood in what we preach. If we preach a message of love and not show love towards one another then we give the world a different picture of what we say we believe. A loveless hostile Christianity is no Christianity at all.

Unity in the church is very important, it is by the love we show one another that others see God, if the church is divided and our behavior towards each other is so divisive, people will never feel the security of hope, that one should feel when people come through its doors. Yet despite all that we know about unity and love the church is still experiencing much division, due to selfishness, immaturity, conceit, unforgiving attitudes, as I could go on. All these factions could damage the life and witness of the church, so lets do something about it. Let's call like Paul did a state of unity. Let us walk in unity encouraging and loving one another as Christ loved us. Paul tells us in the book of Philippians; "Do nothing out of self ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interest, but also to the interest of others." 2:3-4

We have to learn how to forgive faults and accept each others differences. Just because a person is not as open and joyful with you does not mean dislike, we can never let our personal feelings get in the way of obeying scriptures, like loving those who may not like you. We must promote unity where there is conflict, resolving all issues immediately and in love. This is the churches responsibility to make unity a reality. The church should not have to follow the example of the goverment, but the goverment should follow the examples of the church as they watch believers walk in the "State of Unity".


  1. Brillant pastor... Like the world we live in today,so much emphasis is placed on division and what political party is more popular. However, when unity is missing, we tend to lose hope. Whether in our goverment or in the church. We need to stay together because it is strength in numbers. The church has to do a better job of being the example for the rest of the world by being united in the cause for Christ

  2. The church has been divided for so long that we have lost our strength and influence in society. Unity in church is key in order for us to stand together to put God back in the forefront of society.

  3. As I watched the comments from the Democrats and the Republicans about the President's speech both sides were throwing mud at each other...They never thought of the people who elected them to serve...We as Christians get caught up in this as well we look out for our own interests instead of the interest of the One who has called us to serve. Until we as a church come to understand that there is only One faith, One God, and One baptism and fall under the subjection of the One whom unites us all the world will never see us being united...

  4. This is awesome! God is confirming His word and desire for unity throughout the world in this hour!! I hope we as the Body of Christ will have an ear to hear and be willing to come together that we might witness, experience and participate in the plan and purpose God has designed from the beginning! God Bless you!!!


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