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Mind, Mood, Mouth and Meditation

May my spoken words and unspoken thoughts be pleasing even to you. O Lord my Rock and my Redeemer.
Psalms 19:14 TLB

The Mind is the human consciousness that originates in the brain and is manifested especially in thought, perception, emotion, will, memory, and imagination. The principle of intelligence; the spirit of consciousness regarded as an aspect of reality. The faculty of thinking, reasoning, and applying knowledge. Out of this comes the thought process of life and instead of allowing those thoughts to be governed by the word of God we allow our emotions and our imagination to lead us into lives that are not the will of God for His people. There are many of us who allow our minds to lead us into a negative lifestyle plagued with depression, frustration and unbelief.
Why stay in that state? God has created us with so much creativity and an imagination that can be used to bring glory to Him. There is definitely a battle that goes on in the mind, but you have the power to win over your mind using God's mighty weapons and not those made by men to knock down every stronghold and every thought that tries to force you into captivity. You see the word of God can break down every wall and put and end to all of Satan's arguments with you about the things of God. In your mind you can begin to create a better you, and become more pleasing to God. Fix your thoughts on what is true and good and right. Thinking about things that are pure and lovely, and dwell on the fine, good things in others. Think about all you can praise God for and be glad about. Phil.4:8
No longer negative but with a positive mind full of vision, imagination, creativity and innovation. Meditation in God's word will change your mindset and when your mind changes, your mood changes, then what you say out of your mouth will change, creating a better you in thoughts, words and actions. Putting this into practice until every thought and the things we speak out of our mouths become more acceptable to God!


  1. Yes, we have to learn to speak those things into existence even when we cannot physically see them. Now, that is Faith!!!

  2. WOW!! This is powerful!

  3. We have to transform ourselves with the renewing of our minds...So that we may have the mindset of Christ...


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