“Watch out that no one deceives you. For many will come in my name, claiming, ‘I am the Christ, and will deceive many.You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. All these are the beginning of birth pains. At that time many will turn away from the faith and will betray and hate each other,and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people. Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold, Matthew 24:4-8,10-12
This morning many of the region's in our country woke up to extremely cold temperatures. It has been quite some time that we have experienced such frigid weather across our nation. There have been states who have been hit with weather that they have never had to deal with before. Making this unwanted experience of cold, snow and ice a very miserable and challenging experience.
Another cold and challenging experience hit me this morning as I was remembering the days of old when mankind cared for one another. The care and concern we had for one another in the past is gone. People would look out for one another's homes, alert you if they saw any trouble going on with your children, see if you needed help maybe carrying a bag or sweeping your front. What happened to the days when young people knew how to respect the elderly, help them across the street or give up their seat on the bus so someone else could sit down. There was a time when our hearts responded to the needs of others, showing love and kindness to one other because it came natural.
Unfortunately times have changed, the love of man has now decreased, evil has increased and the hearts of men have become so cold that hatred is at an all time high in the world. One of the consequences of the abandonment of God's principles is the hardening and deadening of people's love for one another and especially for God. We took God out of everything nationally, prayer out of schools, praying in public places, limiting what we could say as it refered to God. The deadening of people's love for other people manifests itself in the devaluing of life. The greater focus is on one's own pleasure and protection, forgetting about anyone else that may be in need. We have become a society that does not properly look out for those who are misued and abused, so because of injustice we end up with damaged people who lose the capacity to love. Right becomes wrong and wrong becomes right ("Woe to those who call right wrong and wrong right, who put darkness for light, and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter.") Isaiah 5:20, and people end up losing the capacity to recognize their perversion.
The society then see's senseless crimes take place such as major school shootings, the shooting in Arizona and many other cold, cold acts agaisnt the lives of others. We wonder how can people become so cold and hardened, what was in their heart, do they have any feelings? Let's overcome evil by turning back to God, who is love. The love of God is what will remove the ice off of any heart. Introduce someone to the love of God today and watch the cold, cold wax melt away!
This morning many of the region's in our country woke up to extremely cold temperatures. It has been quite some time that we have experienced such frigid weather across our nation. There have been states who have been hit with weather that they have never had to deal with before. Making this unwanted experience of cold, snow and ice a very miserable and challenging experience.
Another cold and challenging experience hit me this morning as I was remembering the days of old when mankind cared for one another. The care and concern we had for one another in the past is gone. People would look out for one another's homes, alert you if they saw any trouble going on with your children, see if you needed help maybe carrying a bag or sweeping your front. What happened to the days when young people knew how to respect the elderly, help them across the street or give up their seat on the bus so someone else could sit down. There was a time when our hearts responded to the needs of others, showing love and kindness to one other because it came natural.
Unfortunately times have changed, the love of man has now decreased, evil has increased and the hearts of men have become so cold that hatred is at an all time high in the world. One of the consequences of the abandonment of God's principles is the hardening and deadening of people's love for one another and especially for God. We took God out of everything nationally, prayer out of schools, praying in public places, limiting what we could say as it refered to God. The deadening of people's love for other people manifests itself in the devaluing of life. The greater focus is on one's own pleasure and protection, forgetting about anyone else that may be in need. We have become a society that does not properly look out for those who are misued and abused, so because of injustice we end up with damaged people who lose the capacity to love. Right becomes wrong and wrong becomes right ("Woe to those who call right wrong and wrong right, who put darkness for light, and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter.") Isaiah 5:20, and people end up losing the capacity to recognize their perversion.
The society then see's senseless crimes take place such as major school shootings, the shooting in Arizona and many other cold, cold acts agaisnt the lives of others. We wonder how can people become so cold and hardened, what was in their heart, do they have any feelings? Let's overcome evil by turning back to God, who is love. The love of God is what will remove the ice off of any heart. Introduce someone to the love of God today and watch the cold, cold wax melt away!
As peopel of God, we have to pursue God and in turn, our hearts will shown love towards all men
ReplyDeleteSo true. We have to look past the exterior and love people with the love of God and watch the transformation. Someone once showed us love that transformed our hearts.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you sistas. Today I watched a young lady offer up her seat to an elderly lady who stood and held on while on the bus. The older woman looked in amazement as if shocked that someone offered her a seat. To my surprise the older woman denied the seat and walked to stand further in the back of the bus. The coldness so quickly transforms hearts which is why we as have to work that much harder showing God's love in the way someone did for us.
ReplyDeleteSelf-reflection is the hardest thing for most people to do. It is always easier pointing out someone else's faults and not deal with your own. Society teaches us to have a self-centered attitude about everything, therefore not to care about our fellow man. But as we begin to seek Christ and self-reflect and deal with ourselves and realize that being self-centered leaves no room for Christ to be the center of who we are then we will begin to care and have true concern for others.