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"The Source Of Our Unity"

"Since there is one bread, we [believers] who are many are [united into] one body; for we all partake of the one bread, [which represents the body of Christ]." I Corinthians 10:17 (AMP)

The life of the believer is based on our partaking in our human body the things that Jesus gave us and His word spoken to us, demonstrating His divine life. His life being the one bread emphasizes the unity of His church.

God has committed many good things to us of which we must be faithful. We are living in a day where there is so much hatred, division and divisive measures being taken against one another. The world needs a source of unity that one thing that brings us all together and unlike the world the church has that source. The question is does the body of Christ partake in the source that unites us or do we manage to participate in that which unties us? I Corinthians 12:12 lets us know that the body of Christ is a unit, "for by one Spirit we all were immersed and mingled into one single body. No matter our status in life we are all privileged to drink deeply of the same Holy Spirit."(V.13)

Today I encourage you to tap into the source that makes us one, stop comparing yourself to others, telling yourself that I could never pray that well or witness that well for Christ. Whatever I do and whatever you do represents the body of Christ, not how skilled. I challenge you to embrace the source of our unity which is the Holy Spirit and the Bread of Life, let us correspond collectively in all we do for the Lord. Let us divorce the demons that try to isolate us from one another, and destroy Satan's artificial notion of love. Let us take on the nature of the Bread and allow the Holy Spirit to do the work in us and through us. Let us stand in solidarity as the redeemed community of Christ, forbidding any other unions that will work against and not illuminate this source. "The Source of Our Unity!"


  1. Amen Pastor we do that a lot compare ourselves to one another and it hinders our walk with God we have to except that God made us all unique the way he wanted us to be


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