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"Walk Together"

"Two people will not [Can two.....?] walk together unless they have agreed to do so [or to meet; or on the direction]." Amos 3:3

In Amos the 3rd chapter God is speaking through the prophet to His people because He saw that they were going astray so perversely after their lusts. In some sense God is asking a question; "do you wish for me to walk with you? Or perhaps "do you wish that my blessing dwell among you, to continue to show you My paternal love and bountiful support for you? "So why then do you not walk with Me or there not be a mutual consent? Why do you not respond to me? for I am ready to walk with you."(TPC) The prophet affirms that he speaks by God's command in agreement with Him and that he was fully persuaded that their is nothing we should do according to our own will but wait for the call of God that there be no chance of self leading us astray, but to stay on the road the Lord has pointed out.

Agreement is the harmony or accordance in opinion or feeling, a position or result of agreeing,  or the absence of incompatibility between two things; consistency. To be in accord, to concur, to come to an understanding, to be pleasing and acceptable.

Amos was warning the people of their inconsistency and their action being incompatible of being children of God. How do you live as He requires if it is incompatible to the direction you are headed in? Out of harmony, out of sync with the will of God for your life can make room for a path that is not God's intention for you.

On mother's day I mistakenly mixed match shoes in the same box, grabbed them because I assumed they matched. After arriving to church and putting on the shoes I saw they were not the same, but I put them on any way. Although different the shoes were made by the same designer and after putting them on and meeting with my feet we agreed to walk together. Agreement is a necessity and life's circumstances will not all be the same but their is One Designer (God). I made up in my mind, no matter how imbalanced the shoes were, we would walk together.

Today I encourage you that it can be challenging when life mixes itself, although there are times when you have to walk in things that are not the same or what you are you used to, bring it into agreement with God. You will experience the power and see the beauty in walking together. My shoes came into agreement because I understood that it was of no purpose of mine but of God's. Sin is disagreement with God, but coming into agreement with His will, is profitable for your happiness, success, blessings and eternity. May you and God always "Walk Together"!


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