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"The Sheep Of His Pasture"

"Know (perceive, recognize, and understand with approval) that the Lord is God! It is He who has made us, not we ourselves [and we are His]! We are His people and the sheep of His pasture." Psalms 100:3 (AMPC)

The excellence, beauty and perfection of God is exhibited in all creation. The awe in the Psalm is seen in the word "Know" which in the text means to know by experience, in the dictionary it means to acknowledge or to have developed an relationship with (someone) through meeting and spending time with them, to realize, be conscious of, comprehend, recognize the nature of, discern, or be convinced or certain of.

We know God by what we have experienced in our hearts and have witnessed of His incomparable glory. "He made us; He has chosen us to be His own, it was not our doing but God's.

The metaphor of sheep as God's own people is to portray Him as a Shepherd, that leads and guides His people into the places that have been prepared for them, where everything is fruitful and nourishing. Sheep can be described to symbolize the innocence and vulnerability of those who follow the Lord. An ancient metaphor for a Shepherd was veterinarian, providing physical remedies for ailments and sicknesses of the sheep. It is said that the shepherd has full power to compel the sheep to accept the treatment if they do not submit of their own accord. From a human standpoint the shepherd cannot do that.

As a believer (sheep) likening to the psalm writer, the care of the shepherd is something we have to submit to. It is for you to realize what being His really means. As His, we have the privilege of worshiping the Lord our God because He is our creator and we belong to Him, we are the people of His pleasure, a source of His delight and joy.

Today I encourage you to "Know" that the Lord is always ready to receive you, His love for you will amaze and astound you. Our vulnerability as sheep often leaves us susceptible to physical or emotional attacks and harm, circumstances that can leave us emotionally wounded, but recognize the Great Shepherd Jesus has laid down His life for you. In advance He has taken on the wolf, the liars, the criticizers, and the haters. You can pass through His open gates with the password of praise, shutting out everything and everyone that is trying to devour you. You are His! He made you, so discern and recognize the nature of who you are and who He is, remain convinced, comprehend, be conscious and certain of this one thing, that you are "The Sheep Of His Pasture".


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