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"Living For The City"

"Pray to the Lord for the city where you are living, because if good things happen in the city, good things will happen to you also [in its peace and security, you will have peace and security]." Jeremiah 29:7

Living in one of the most influential cities in America can be extremely fruitful to it's residents. As a native Philadelphian I am drawn to the history of this city which means brotherly love. As a Black American I understand that though in a free land their are still unnecessary means of captivity for people of different ethnicities, nevertheless it's still my city and I believe it to be the best. In sharing this story in Jeremiah 29 I could not help to see the many similarities of the life of the Jewish remnant who were in exile in Babylonia. God had instructed them to strive to get along with their captors. They were to be peacemakers not troublemakers and they were to sincerely pray for their enemies.

This may not be easy for everyone to agree upon but for those who have true hope you get that the Kingdom of God always has an upside down point of view or principle. When looking into Ancient Babylon, we see that America is like a modern day version. Ancient Babylon SW of Asia was famed for it's magnificence and culture, which later became the Chaldean empire. The modern definition of Babylon is any magnificent city believed to be a place of excessive luxury and wickedness, or a contemptuous or dismissive term for aspects of a society seen as desperate or oppressive, especially the police(Oxford Dictionary). Merriam defines it as a city devoted to materialism and sensual pleasure.

True hope is based on the revealed word of God not on any dream messages or slogans. God has given us a promise and a command and just like Israel, we are to pray for the city in which we live. Although the aspects of Babylon are clearly exhibited in society today, what shall those who hope do? We must yield ourselves to seeking and pursing what is best for the city. No time to get afraid or discouraged, in every situation our responsibility is clear and that is to do what's best for everyone.

I encourage you today that in light of what our cities and nation face on a day to day basis, the ultimate goal is to bring peace and hope. In the midst of desperate and oppressive systems into which many live under the weight of, good things can still happen for everyone. What life does to us depends on what life finds in us. If we pursue in prayer the peace and security of our communities and not rebel to easy and quick shortcuts, we will destroy all that is trying to destroy. Never normalize oppression and poverty it is not God's plan. Let's seek what's best for the whole and if you live in a city you should "Live For The City!"


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