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"My Ears Are Filled With The Sounds Of Promise." Psalms 11b MSG

In your quest for obtaining great faith there will be moments when you have to put your foot on the neck of what you hear. I promise you that you will hear a lot of discouraging words and accusations. The enemy will always try to get in our ear, whispering for us to quit, give up, you can't make it, you can't do that, it will never happen, you will always be broke, you will always be sick, they don't like you, your not beautiful, you don't measure up, your not special, your not talented, there is no reason to live, no one loves you, your going to die, I can go on with the endless lies that the devil deposits on a daily basis. The sad part about it is that so many believers are used to this sound!

You cannot allow these fake statements of the enemy rob you of your faith. In this portion of the Psalm vs. 6-11 the writer is declaring that God's people shall overcome. And the promise of God to defeat their enemies and the witness of their malicious detractors going down. God's promises are declared that His people will prosper for they are like palm trees that grow tall like the tress of Lebanon. They are transplanted to the Lord's house, they flourish in the presence of God and always remain vital and green (full of life, vigor, beneficial, fresh, new, characterized by the presence of verdure.)

Who and what is in your ear? When we hear God's word and His promise and do not take heed to it we deceive our own selves. What we know about God should stimulate a sound that can only be heard by those who trust Him. His promises to us are sure, that He will never leave us or forsake us, that anything we ask in Jesus name shall be given to us, that He is a very present help in the time of trouble, He promises us His favor, His mercies that are brand new everyday, His grace, long life, satisfaction, peace, joy, it never ends. Paul said in 2nd Corinthians 7:1 "With these promises ringing in our ears, dear friends, let us keep clear of anything that smirches body or soul." Let us prove our reverence for God (that we hear the sounds) by consecrating ourselves to Him completely."

Today I challenge you to consecrate your ears, let nothing defile or defect your hearing. Keep your ears clean, that they will continually be filled with the sounds of promise!


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