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"A Sign Of God's Promise"

"I will put my rainbow in the clouds to be a sign of my promise to the earth." Genesis 9:13 (GWTB)

In this covenant with humanity and all living creatures, God makes a promise to never destroy life in the earth through another universal flood. Throughout biblical history to help the people of God to remember His covenants He would give them a visible sign. In Genesis 1:14 God said for there to be lights in the sky to serve as signs to mark sacred times and seasons.

Rainbows are caused by the sunlight filtering through water in the air, each drop becomes a prism to release the colors hidden in the white light of the sun. It is an optical phenomenon that appears when sunlight and atmospheric conditions are just right and the position of the viewer is just right to see it. ('s all about the weather)

"Be Basic" by (Warren Weiserbe) tells of a story about Mark Twain and a friend who steps out of church just as a violent storm began. The friend asked Mark, "I wonder if it will stop" and Mark Twain replied, "It always has" and this is so, God will always hold to His covenant and His word, the storms will always stop. A rainbow is a sign of God's grace being manifested in one of it's various forms.

On a Tuesday evening coming out of our mid-week service a storm came through. In other parts of our nation the same storms occurred and people perished, but instead of tragedy we experienced a sign of God's wonderful grace. A sign of His promise that this too shall pass, and that trouble will not last always. A sign of His covenant with us, a guarantee of His faithfulness and peace. The rainbow is also for God, in Genesis 9:16 He declares; "Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between Myself and all living creatures of every kind on the earth." 

Three men in scripture saw significant rainbows. Noah saw the rainbow after the storm, Ezekiel saw the rainbow in the midst of the storm (Ezek.1:28) which was the appearance of the likeness of the glory of God and the Apostle John saw the rainbow before the storm of judgment broke lose (Rev. 4:3) This was important for me to share with you for we are in a significant season, the season of Pentecost. After the dismissal of our Pentecost meal God gave us a sign! The entire area was lit in an array of gold, it was beautiful and peaceful. It gave us confirmation that we are now under an open heaven.

Today I encourage you that the storms will come but in the midst of them God will send a sign of His promise to you. Position yourself just right so that you can see how the atmosphere is setting itself just right to give you a miracle. Faith is an optical phenomenon like the rainbow, so adjust yourself accordingly and no matter your circumstance it has to end. And "A Sign Of God's Promise" will always manifold itself in the middle of it.


  1. When I walked out of the sanctuary I was like what time is was so bright it seemed surreal and thats when u pointed out the rainbow (it actually was a double rainbow) was there sitting starkly against the golden sky...He is a promise keeper...


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