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S.E.E.D. For Today

Scripture: "Laziness brings on deep sleep, and the shiftless go hungry." Proverbs 19:15 NIV

Explanation: Shift is to change for or replace by another, it's simply to change direction, position or place. A turning. In the book of Wisdom the writer shares with us the dangers of no change and being comfortable, complacent, and staying put. That person will never have more than what they already have and will soon starve. We are in a new and marvelous season and we see everything in the earth is shifting and especially God. It is detrimental to a believer when they lack the wisdom and understanding to move when God is moving. What ever God is doing you have to get in it, don't sit there and watch God move, when God says it time to shift, you must be ready to shift with Him.

Exercise: Today I want you to confront your laziness, procrastination or your pessimism, (many of us lack in hope and confidence for the future.) Readjust your thinking towards greatness, don't focus on the pitfalls but gaze on the possibilities. Go beyond the evidence available to you and ask God for the grace to increase your faith.

Devotion: You cannot stop pressing in to experience more of God. What you experienced in another season of your life cannot be your expectation in the next. The Spirit of God is a moving Spirit and in this season Grace is your escort into destiny. We implore grace in the name of Jesus and the Holy Spirit to fill us with fresh faith, Lord we are hungry and invite you into our midst, fill the earth with your power, the power that breaks yokes, heals, delivers and sets free. We pray that we will be willing to host your Presence and that we would shift from glory to glory. In Jesus Name Amen!


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