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"Manifest Your Kingdom"

S.E.E.D. For Today

Scripture: "Manifest Your Kingdom realm and cause Your every purpose to be fulfilled on earth, just as it is in heaven." Matthew 6:10 (TPT Bible)

Explanation: The second petition of the Lord's prayer is referring to the will of God. We should pray earnestly for the Kingdom of Heaven to to be at hand in the earth. Declaring that God's Kingdom come and begin to reign here. We who believe become subjects to it and our lives become the character of it.

Exercise: What God has promised we must pray for. His word instructs us to pursue His Kingdom. Above everything constantly and consistently chase after the realm of God's Kingdom. His Kingdom is at hand and should reign in the heart of every one who believes the word of the Lord. Manifest in the greek is the word phaneros (faneros) to make visible, apparent, clear, evident, or well known. Everyday you should pray for the Kingdom of God to become clear, visible and evident in the earth and in your life. Pray for God to display the explicit wonder of His plan, purpose and promise to mankind. Seek Him to demonstrate to you the wonders of His Kingdom, that everyday it will become more and more recognizable.

Devotion: Our Father dwelling in the heavenly realms, may the glory of Your name be the center on which our lives turn. Manifest your Kingdom realm and cause Your every purpose to be fulfilled in the earth, just as it is fulfilled in heaven. We thank for Your unbiased, unmistakable and undeniable love and compassion for us all. May Your Will be barefaced, distinct, and definite in our hearts. Demonstrate Your power and reveal to us Your promises, show us Your path O Lord. Patent Your love within us that who You are will become obvious to our eyes and our minds. The heavens are open, manifest Your glory, manifest your holiness, manifest your righteousness in Jesus Name Amen!


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