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"Love Is The Key"

S.E.E.D. For Today

Scripture: "If I had the greatest gift of faith that could move mountains, but have never learned to love, then I am nothing." I Corinthians 13:2 (TPT Bible)

Explanation: In midst of the conflict of spiritual gifts in Corinth, Paul prioritizes these gifts, setting in place the functions, purpose and boundaries, that if they are not exercised in love there use is in vain.

Exercise: In the church today people are extremely driven by the gifts they possess. Many use their gifts to bring themselves glory rather than glorify God. Paul explains in chapter 12 the different gifts in the body of Christ but there is a superior way to live and operate in those gifts. Love is the key. It doesn't matter your talent or skill set but do you have love? You could be a great orator, speak in tongues, you can have great faith, but not know how to love and treat people. You can prophecy, be generous, be a matyr but without the pure motive of love it has no value. Love is large and incredibly patient, it's gentle and consistently kind to everyone, it refuses to be jealous, like some of us can be, it doesn't brag or inflate its own importance. Love does not walk in shame and disrespect, its not selfish, its not easily irritated, or quick to be offended. Love celebrates others and does not delight in wrong. Love is a safe place and it never stops believing the best for others. Love never takes failure as defeat, for it never gives up. (1 Cor. 13) Love is the key, it unlocks power that extends itself beyond our gifts, love never stops loving! I challenge you to let love be the prize for which you run. "Those who are loved by God, let His love continually pour from you to one another, because God is love." Loving one another should be our way of life!" (James 4)

Devotion: Lord I pray for Your agape love, the loyal, endless, unconditional, and committed to Your will and to others type of love. I pray to operate in Your love in all difficult relationships, I pray for Your love to endure mistreatment and not to retaliate. I pray against jealousy, and having a sharp edge when dealing with others. I pray against any resentment, I pray for Your love to overlook offense, I pray for Your love that grounds me, and the love that keeps me pushing forward and never quit! In Jesus Name Amen.


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