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S.E.E.D. For Today

Scripture: "God does wonders that cannot be understood; He does so many miracles [marvelous acts] they cannot be counted." Job 5:9 (Expanded Bible)

Explanation: We all know the affliction of Job. In this chapter Job's friend Eliphaz makes an appeal assuming the cause of Job's situation. He tells his friend that if it was Him he would look to God and put his troubles in front of Him. He does great things, too great to be understood and the wonders of what He does and can do is limitless. He expands on the fact that God gives rain on the earth and sends water on the fields. He exalts the humble and lift those filled with sorrow to a safe place and that those who have no hope, will have hope and what is not right and good will have to shut it's mouth.

Exercise: As Eliphaz made his appeal to Job, my friends I make mine to you! Confess your hope and confidence in the Lord, He will foil the plans of the enemy, it will be thwarted and it's purpose will not stand. God is with you and has heard your cries. I declare that the Lord will grant you peace, that you will laugh at danger and the times of no lack, He will cause everything and everyone to be at peace with you. He will take you out of your troubles, heal and comfort you. He will be your limitless divine intervention, doing the extremely and outstanding on your behalf. He will accomplish His purpose for your life. Know that your light afflictions and momentary troubles are achieving for you an eternal glory that far outweighs them all!(2 Cor. 4:17)

Devotion: Lord we thank You for we know that your wonders are limitless. Thank You for Your mercy that is ambitious, thank You for Your peace that is boundless, thank You for Your joy that it is unrestricted, thank You for Your power that is never exhausted, thank You for Your grace that is vast and thank You for Your love that is infinite! What you do is endless, undefined and countless and we give You glory in Jesus Name Amen!


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