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"Just Run!"

"Do You not know that in a race all the runners compete, but [only] one receives the prize? So run [your race] that you may lay hold [of the prize] and make it yours." I Corinthians 9:24

Last weekend in Philadelphia we had the annual Broad Street run. Many have trained and come from many areas to run this marathon but there can only be one first prize winner. What amazed me was a story of an African American woman who was about 92 years old or older partaking in the race. I was in awe of her and embarrassed of myself at the same time. I had committed to waking up early after prayer to continue my prayers while walking, I think I accomplished it for one day.

Life is consistent even when we are not. Paul was describing the Christian journey as a race and that we have to see ourselves like athletes training to win the greatest prize in the universe, which is the crown of our salvation. He described disciplining ourselves like athletes with self control, persistence and humility. In the olympics or many competitions of this world there can only be one top winner and then a few runner ups, but not in the Kingdom of God, we are all winners because Christ has made us victorious.

Today I encourage you to understand this wisdom, that the race is not given to the fastest or strongest individuals but to those who keep on running. In the interview the very young elderly woman said get up and get out, she declared that she will keep running until the day she dies.

My challenge to you is, keep running your race, even when life gets hard "Just Run', through all of your affliction and adversity "Just Run", while your body is racked with pain "Just Run", when friends set you aside and the enemy has cast all vengeance against you "Just Run",  no matter what it is "Just Run" let nothing and no one rob you of your crown, lay hold of  the prize and whatever you do make it yours. And every morning when you rise and the Liar tells you it's no use, sprint yourself in the spirit and "Just Run!"


  1. Praise THE LORD for this challenge!!! Between naturally running and spiritually running, I can CONFIDENTLY attest that they both require HARD WORK!! Proverbs 14:23 gives me hope and assurance that I can PROFIT if I stay in the race continuing to LABOR in LOVE. I am surely "RUNNING 🏃 for my LIFE" as the songwriter says!!


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