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"Let these men go. Ignore them. If this is just another movement arising from human enthusiasm, it will die out soon enough. But then again, if God is in this, you won't be able to stop it_unless, of course, you're ready to fight against God!" Acts 5:38-39

Movements are the culture of this generation. It is defined as organized activities working toward an objective, or an organized effort to promote or attain an end. It also defines motion toward something or a cause.

In this 5th Chapter of Acts we continue to see the Apostles being persecuted for the cause of the Gospel. They have been put into prison and supernaturally released. Their incarcerators have sent for them but they are not where they caged them. When they find them they are in the temple courts, teaching the people the word of God. The council is perplexed and fuming for they warned them to never say anything in the name of Jesus again. Peter and the Apostles made it clear that they were not about to obey these religious leaders over obeying God, and begin to speak of the murder they so self-righteously committed against the Lord, but God has raised Him up and He is seated at God's right hand.

When we see through documentation of the scriptures the courage the Apostles had, it reminds us of great leaders of our time who did not back down from purpose given to them from God. One of the greatest is Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. who with the vision God had given him preached and taught a message of non-violence and love. Teaching that out of the ashes people of color would arise and take their equal place in a society that wanted to silence them, limit them, and destroy them. Movements are arising everyday, Me Too, Black Live Matters, Mother's in Charge, Children Against Guns, movements against immigration, the list is enormous, but there is one movement that will never go away and that's the teaching and preaching of the Gospel of Jesus Christ!

I want to encourage you today that although a movement is an organized effort and can come to an end the movement of the Kingdom of God is an organism, alive and in motion. What you have no one can kill it, no one can stop it. What you have in the Lord the world didn't give to you and the world cannot take it from you. People really don't want to fight with God, it is a losing battle. Satan is losing everyday and as God's people we have to arise and take our place in this world sharing this message of faith, hope, peace, joy and love. This message will not fade away as some believe most movements do, scripture tells us in Matthew 24:35 that heaven and the earth will fade but God's word will forever remain. So when life hits you, God will arise and the enemy will scatter. Understand this, nothing can stop you, stand on His Word and "Arise!"


  1. Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Thank you Father

  2. Praise our KING 👑 for he has RISEN and for us who believe have RISEN with him... ✊


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