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Showing posts from April, 2018

"The Harp Inside My Heart"

"My God, I will sing you a brand-new song!" "The harp inside my heart will make music to You!" Psalms 144:9   In this psalm David is giving God the praise for His mercy and power upon the lives of His people. He sings a new song to the Lord expressing God's greatness and for experiencing God's help in a new way, he is grateful for this fresh understanding of the wonderful character of God and for his new beginning. Following every deliverance in your life it will prompt a new level of praise and commitment to God. Trials produce and cultivate worship, in those troubling moments we all seek Him more. David in this psalm has a song of victory in his heart, thanking God for being his true hero and for the promise of blessings. The song starts out so powerful, it says; "There is only one strong safe, and secure place in all the world for me; it's in God alone and I love Him! He is the one who gives me strength and skill for every battle. He's...

Stick To The Plan

" Remember those early days after you first saw the light? Those were the hard times! Kicked around in public, targets of every kind of abuse—some days it was you, other days your friends. If some friends went to prison, you stuck by them. If some enemies broke in and seized your goods, you let them go with a smile, knowing they couldn’t touch your real treasure. Nothing they did bothered you, nothing set you back. So don’t throw it all away now. You were sure of yourselves then. It’s  still  a sure thing! But you need to stick it out, staying with God’s plan so you’ll be there for the promised completion."( Hebrews 10:32-36 MSG) As the days increase with so many of life challenges, those of us who have started this journey in Christ must not get derailed. Trials and tribulations will smack you, but you have to stick to the plan. Many who started on this journey now spit on the sacrifice that made them whole and continually insult the grace of God, quitting and tur...

Anoint Me For Breakthrough

"The Lord God's Spirit is upon me, because the Lord has anointed me." ( Isa. 61:1 CEB) Today as we face the world with all it's trouble and turmoil and with all it's difficulties and sadness, it's powerful to understand the riches of our faith. In this hour of confusion and chaos we have been anointed for breakthrough, and the " One who breaks open the way will go up before us" ( Micah 2:13 ) God's plan for us is to experience victory and breakthrough in every area of our lives. He has anointed you to break through all limitations and obstacles, so expand your tent, lengthen the cords, and strengthen the stakes. The Spirit of wisdom and understanding, knowledge, counsel and strength abides in you. Whatever has to free you must let you go, you have been anointed to overcome. Micah declares that God's people " will break through the gate and go out", know that you are coming out of this, you have been anointed to do so...

Gentleness Of Heart

Gentleness is the quality of being well born, refined, quiet, tame, docile, mild, tender, kind, etc. It is the opposite of being harsh and austere. Paul in 2nd Timothy 2 explains to this young pastor that a true servant of the Lord must not be argumentative but gentle toward all, able to teach and not be resentful. Then with that gentleness and meekness you would be able to carefully enlighten those who argue with you, this will allow others to experience the gracious gift of repentance and be brought to the truth. This will cause them to rediscover themselves and escape from the snare of Satan who caught them in his trap so that they would carry out his purposes. We are created to carry out the purpose of God, we are commissioned to exhort one another and not to speak evil of no man, we are not to be brawlers but gentle to everyone. We have been called to not be slanderous, but peaceable and considerate and show humility in all situations. In a day in which the hearts of men have ...
Today in the world, our faith is definitely being challenged, through public and private situations, the winds of change, social media, ideologies, new philosophies, new found prophecies are increasing day by day. How do we stand during difficult storms, the tsunami's that continually return season after season, I tell you the answer is with "Faith That Prevails!" There are moments when it is hard to prevail over our emotions, prevail over the pain, but you posses the fruit of faith or faithfulness. To prevail is to prove more powerful than opposing forces, to be victorious, triumphant, to win, to win out and through, to carry the day, to come out on top, to conquer or overcome. In Matthew 16:18 "Jesus gives Simon the name Peter which means rock or stone, and that the truth of who He is will be the foundation on which He will build His church, and that the power of death will not prevail against it. He then releases to Him the keys of the Kingdom of God, givi...
"Are you really showing true love by only loving those who love you back? Even those who don't know God will do that. Or compassion when you do something good to those who do good to you? Even people who don't know God do that. Or lend money to only those who can pay you back, what credit is that to your character? Even those who don't know God do that. "But love your enemies and continue to treat them well. If you lent money and never get it back, don't despair, it is not lost. You will receive a rich reward and you will be known as true children of the Most High God, having His same nature." For your Father is famous for His Kindness to heal, even the thankless and cruel. Show mercy and compassion for others, just as your heavenly Father overflows with mercy and compassion for all." (Luke 6:32-36) This is true Kindness In Action! We live daily in a world of more cruelty than compassion, more hate than love, more divisions than unity and ...

"Patience That Endures"

The fruit in our lives that comes from the divine love of God is produced by the Holy Spirit. We follow the Spirit walking in the nature of God knowing that our old nature, lust and desires have been nailed to the cross. We know that we have love, joy that overflows, peace that subdues and the "Patience That Endures." Patience in the Greek is taken from a verb that means "ever tapping" or "never quitting", then in the Greek we have the word hypomone, translated means endurance and it describes the ability to remain under, remaining behind, a steadfastness, giving us a picture of a person who is unswerved from their deliberate purpose and loyalty to faith, even under the greatest trials and sufferings. In ( Luke 21:19) Jesus tells of the future suffering that will occur, He says to His disciples; "Don't worry. My grace will never desert or depart from your life. And by standing firm with patient endurance you will find your souls deliverance....

"Peace That Subdues"

Everyone is searching for peace, but what is peace? It can be defined as freedom from disturbance, quietness, tranquility, calm order or prosperity and harmony or an agreement to end war. As we continue in the fruit of the Spirit today we are going to talk about "Peace" That Subdues. The word subdue is to bring under control by physical force to persuade, overcome, conquer, reduce or tone down or to bring under cultivation. We want to put this fruit the peace that subdues into the perspective of our everyday battles (war) inner and outer. I am reminded that Jesus subdued the sea when He spoke to it and said Peace be still, in some translations it says calm down! (Mark 4:39 ) In us we have the same authority to speak to whatever is raging in us and around us, we have been given the power to overcome and conquer all circumstances. Peace is now apart of your new character, "the peace of God (a peace that is beyond any and all of our human understanding) will watch...