S.E.E.D. For Today_Prioritize
S-cripture Matthew 6:33 "Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and He will give you everything you need." NLT
Scripture stresses that God must be allowed to rule at the heart of a person's life. Jesus says in His Sermon on the Mount that we are to seek the Kingdom of God first. We are to seek the things of God as a priority over the things of the world. Seeking His salvation and living in obedience to Him should be the priority of every believer. Primarily what are our priorities? Do we seek God's rule over our lives, are we in pursuit of making ourselves available in representing God on the earth and to walk as He desires? God's commitment and faithfulness towards us never fails we are His top priority. All that He has given was for us, He put us first, He loved us first, sending us His Son and His Kingdom.
E-xample To seek His Kingdom is to seek to live in a way that honors God's presence and rule.
E-xercise Who and What is first in your life? Is God your first priority or are your natural concerns the priority of your life? Examine your life today, as you do ask yourself is God truly first, have I abandoned all my self concerns that He rules my life completely? The seeds that fell among the thorns are crowded out by the cares and riches and pleasures of this life. But Jesus makes it clear have no thought or worry of these things, put God and His Kingdom above everything else, live righteously and He will give you everything you need. If not ask God to help you, to put First things First.
D-evotion Lord I know that words are seeds. The seed for today is prioritize. Are you first? When I awake in the morning how do I plan my day with or without you? Help me understand my call to live as a disciple of Christ. Jesus you said in Matthew 10:39 that whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it. This year I am seeking you to experience an exchange of your Glory in my life and I'm learning that seeking You first is far more profitable than all the kingdoms and riches of this world. Today I worship you with my whole heart, my desire is for the purpose and will of the Kingdom of God be my top Priority.
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