Do not be deceived: Bad company corrupts good morals. Be sober-minded as you ought, and stop sinning; I Corinthians 15:33-34
Come to your right minds and return to a more balanced way of life, wake up and get control of yourself. "Besides this, knowing the time, it is already the hour for you to wake up from sleep, for now our salvation is nearer than when we first believed". Romans 13:11
We are social beings, we live in and by society. There is evil company in the social world and an instinct that is in evil company to corrupt. Evil is a self continuing power, those who have yielded to temptations become the tempting of others, for in most of us there is a susceptibility to be corrupted. If you know anything about fruit the grape for instance, if there are one or two rotten grapes it can corrupt the whole cluster leaving you with a bunch of bad grapes.
Observe the stop sign ahead, don't be deceived. Let's not think we can live righteous keeping bad company in the devils territory. What advantage will you have in getting out once you have crossed the wrong intersection. If you have found any good companions, cherish them for good friends are hard to find. On the other hand if you have any bad ones, study on how to lose them, for by keeping them you may lose yourself in the end.
Do not be spiritually ignorant and ignore the devices ot the devil to drive you away from the right direction. Yesterday we talked about the struggle with sin, doing the things we don't want to do and not doing those things we know we should. If we sit at that intersection too long and ignore the stop sign we will have gone further than most of us can handle. The devil makes sin look pleasurable and for a season it is, none can deny that. But what we must realize is that sin has a death sentence attached to it and that season comes as well. WATCH! Where you are going there is a dangerous intersection up ahead.
WOW!! THIS IS SOOO TRUE PASTOR RAY! This is a valuable WARNING for all of us!
ReplyDeleteThe sad thing is, is that the caution sign is really that big when we start to formulate the ideas of sin in our thoughts and then the sign becomes even bigger when we begin to put the thoughts into actions...Even when God presents the way of escape, we are often too far gone to even yield to the Holy Spirits coersion to get us back on the safe route...