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S.E.E.D. For Today

Scripture: "In my flesh was given to me the adversary's messenger to harass me, three times I pleaded with the Lord to relieve me of this. But He answered me, "My Grace is always more than enough for you, and My power finds its full expression through your weaknesses. "So I'm not defeated by my weakness,........I am made yet stronger." 2 Corinthians 12:7-10 (TPT Bible)

Explanation: In this text there is no clear indication of what Paul's issue was. But we do know that it was something he considered a thorn, something that caused him great distress or irritation. Paul did not have a demon but it is stated that it may have been possible that he was being harassed or hindered by one because of his ministry and faith in Jesus.

Exercise: Many of you can relate with the Apostle Paul being harassed and hindered by the adversary. Many of us have prayed as Paul has prayed, most certainly in ministry, Lord free me from this burden, this obligation, release me from this post, the oppression of my circumstance. Just as the Lord answered Paul, He stills declares today, "My Grace Is Always More Than Enough for you! It will ward off every attack of the adversary. In your weakness God's power finds its full expression in your life. When it feels like your losing, when it feels like giving your life up for God is like a slap in the face and the adversary is boxing you in the ears with talk of defeat, remember grace is being poured out against your enemy, it will rescue you and strengthen you again.

Devotion: Lord I thank you for the grace that is more than enough. I thank you that in the weakest areas of my life you and grace have my back. I know that I am not forgotten or forsaken. And whenever the adversary claps at me Your Grace claps back. Help me to live more by faith than what I feel. I thank you for whatever you think I need to remain humble, the discipline to never elevate self. I realize on my own I am fragile but in You, I Am Not Defeated! In Jesus Name Amen.


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