S.E.E.D. For Today_Shade
Scripture "My people will again live under My shade. They will flourish like grain and blossom like grapevines." Hosea 14:7ab NLT
After God's people had to live in the wilderness again He brought them into a place that signified a new life. God restores His favor upon His people. The shade represented a shelter that covered them and provided relief from the sun. This is a season when God's people will experience a comeback. God in His mercy answers their prayer, He will show them once more His love and restore the blessings of the Lord in abundance. The people repented and prayed to God, in v.8 He lets them know "I am the One who answers your prayers and cares for you. I am like a tree that is always green; and all your fruit comes from Me." Those that sit beneath this Tree will flourish with freshness and vitality. This shade will give God's people the ability to recover and be revived. Under His shade they will experience the splendor the glory and the fragrance of His love.
Example Shade in this instance would be to shadow, to cover or protect, which God promises for those that dwell in Him. "Those who live in the shelter of the Most High will find rest (peace and protection) in the shadow (shade) of the Almighty." Psalms 91:1
Exercise Read Hosea 14th Chapter and Psalms 91
Devotion Lord I pray today that I live again under Your Divine Shade, that I will flourish like grain and blossom like grapevines in every area of my life. I declare Lord that You alone are my refuge and my place of safety, You are my God the One that I trust. I trust You to rescue me from every trap and protect me from every deadly disease. Today shadow me with Your goodness and Your kindness. I pray that I be mindful that I sin not against You that I do not throw shade, through my arrogance, pride and disobedience. I pray this with a repentant heart in Jesus Name Amen.