S.E.E.D. For Today_Like
Scripture "For they loved the approval of men rather than the approval of God." John 12:43
The power in this world that smothers people's convictions are in regard to the applause and approval of men that one gets. Love of the approval or praise from others as a by-end in that which is good, will make people hypocrites when it relates to religion or their relationship with God. The love of praise or approval is a base principle which is evil and will make a person an apostate. John 12:42 tells us that there were some Jewish leaders that believed the message of the Messiah but would not admit it out of fear. They were afraid to loose the approval of men and that the Pharisees would expel them from the synagogue. They loved human praise more than the praise of God.
Example The need for the approval of something or from someone. Like is used to draw attention to the nature of an action or something or someone.
Exercise Read John 12:37-43 & Galations 1:10 So many people are addicted to like. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter is where we feed for approval, praise and applause. We tend to seek this more from people than we do God. Are you addicted to like? I'm sure many would not admit. But God is trying to possess our center. He wants to be the center of attention, He wants us to seek Him, His righteousness, approval and praise. Paul spoke of this in his letter to the Galatians pertaining to a situation of what was becoming popular and presented itself as the Good News but was not. The people turned from God and started following a pretended Gospel. Paul confronted against it and let it be known that "Obviously, I'm not trying to win the approval of people,(not trying to be liked) but of God. If pleasing men were my goal, I would not be Christ's servant."
Devotion Lord I pray today that I not seek the need for like or approval. I pray that I please You and not man. Forgive me when I get needy for other's to validate me. Lord possess my Center in Jesus Name Amen.
Great post Pastor. When we seek approval from God we are aligned. When we seek man, we become frustated and confused. Time to get our alignment right
ReplyDeleteTime to get our alignment right I like that