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S.E.E.D. For Today

Scripture: "And He (Jesus) spoke to them in a parable to show that at all times men ought to (always) pray and never lose hope." Luke 18:1 

Explanation: There was a judge in some city who never gave God a thought and cared nothing about people. A widow in that city approached him for help, to protect her rights and provide the protection she needed. He never gave her the time of day but she kept coming and making her request and the judge acquiesced and granted her justice.

Exercise: Just like this woman in the story we ought to pray and never lose hope. With hopelessness all around us, let me give you 13 Reasons Why we ought to pray and never give up. In the Netflix series 13 Reasons Why the story is about a teen who commits suicide and leaves a letter that gives 13 reason why she ended her life. What a sad parable unlike the widow in the parable of Jesus who understood life was valuable and that if she did not lose hope she would see justice prevail on her behalf. Today I want to give you 13 Reasons Why men out to continuously pray.
1. For Power (strength) 2. For Joy 3. To Love 4. To Resist 5. It's a Weapon 6. For Direction 7. For Protection 
8. For Provision and Prosperity 9. For Wisdom 10. For Understanding 11. For Healing
12. For Restoration and 13. To be in the Presence of the Lord!

Devotion: Lord today we lift up 13 reasons why we will never lose hope! We lift up in prayer those who suffer the heavy burden of hopelessness. We use prayer as a weapon to come against every thought that cast doubt on the value of life, we pray for the strength for those who are struggling to be hopeful. We thank you for 13 Reasons Why and many more reasons that men ought to pray in Jesus Name Amen!


  1. I agree with your word and prayer!! So shall it be!!! 🥊

  2. Thank you Pastor for allowing God to use you to help remind us why we should continually pray. I touch and agree with you on this message because to often times we forget the power of prayer when we are feeling helpless and hopeless. Many of us wear our burdens on our sleeves which often causes us to have a helpless on hopeless look on our face. These 13 reminders as to why we should pray that you provided us with are very good examples.

  3. I'm in agreement with this glorious word of God

  4. Amen. Good food for the Soul!
    Thank you Pastor


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