S.E.E.D For Today
Scripture: "And so blessing and cursing come pouring out of the same mouth. Surely, my brothers and sisters, this is not right!” James 3:10
Explanation: James observed this contradiction in his church. Jewish Christians were perpetuating this custom, “Blessed be he” after each utterance of God’s name, so that their worship times were continually punctuated by choruses of praise. Yet these same people, with the blessings still on their lips, would sometimes, after leaving worship, actually curse someone who had angered them! This was a shameful sin, and James would not tolerate it! James knew from the teaching of Jesus that the will of God is fulfilled by loving one another as you love yourself. To confess your love for God and then despise your sister or brother in words is not loving God, in fact it scandalizes your profession of being a Christian.
Example: Today the church is plagued with this type of behavior, the same people who greet you with a sound sincere Praise the Lord, will in seconds on demand cash out on you if you push the wrong nerve. But James also declares that sweet water and bitter water cannot come from the same fountain. What is in your heart determines what comes out of your mouth, be cautious on how you cash out, for the Bible also declares in the end that every man or woman will have to settle their accounts on every careless word that comes from their mouths. (Matthew 12:36)
Devotion: Lord Today I pray as David prayed in the 19th Psalm, "May these words that come out from mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable to You always, for You are my Lord, my Helper and my Redeemer." Amen!
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