S.E.E.D. For Today
Scripture: "How Can I Know All The Sins Lurking In My Heart? Cleanse Me From These Hidden Faults (this secret insanity)." Psalms 19:12
Explanation: How can a person discern what's really in them? For the most part we don't. Jeremiah 17:9 explains it like this; "The human heart is the most deceitful of all things, and it is desperately wicked. who really knows how bad it is?" In our heart lurks this secret insanity, like extreme foolishness, irrationality, stupidity, silliness, and craziness. David understood this very well, he asked God to create in him a clean heart, he understood that it would take the creative power of God to renew his heart and everything that was lurking within it. Cleanse the cancer (sin) that lie secretly in our hearts. Job said in chapter 34:32 "Teach me what I cannot see, if I have done wrong, so that I won't do it again."
Example: We are all subject to deviate from the disciplines of our divine nature. In this human nature dwells within us so many sins that we do not understand the number of them. If left without perception this heinous and malignant nature can catch us unaware and enslave us all over again. Thank God our secret insanity is not a secret to God and that it is not our ruin.
Devotion: Pray for the grace to understand what we cannot see. That God will pardon us for the secret faults (insanity) that lurks within our heart. Petition God to keep you from being offensive, and that the insanity of sin does not take dominion over you. Pray that your heart not fail you and those things that are hidden from you be exposed by the light of His presence. In Jesus Name Amen.
This is great Pastor Ray!!!